Top Ranking 10 Scholarships in Guinea Bissau

By | March 22, 2024
Top Ranking 10 Scholarships in Guinea Bissau

Top Ranking 10 Scholarships in Guinea Bissau

In Guinea-Bissau, access to quality education is essential for the country’s development, and scholarships play a vital role in making education more accessible to students. Here, we’ll explore the top 10 scholarships in Guinea-Bissau, detailing their eligibility requirements, benefits, terms, fees, and accommodations.

List of the Top Ranking 10 Scholarships in Guinea Bissau

  1. Government Scholarships: The government of Guinea-Bissau offers scholarships to local students pursuing higher education at home or abroad. These scholarships cover tuition fees, study materials, and may provide a stipend for living expenses. Eligibility criteria typically include academic merit, financial need, and Bissau-Guinean citizenship.
  2. Portuguese Cooperation Scholarships: The Portuguese government provides scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for undergraduate and graduate studies in Portugal. These scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, and provide a stipend for living expenses. Eligibility criteria include academic excellence, language proficiency, and commitment to academic success.
  3. European Union Scholarships: The European Union offers scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for studies in various European countries. These scholarships cover tuition fees, travel expenses, and provide financial support for living expenses. Eligibility criteria include academic merit, language proficiency, and commitment to academic success.
  4. United Nations Scholarships:

The United Nations provides scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for studies in fields related to peace and development. These scholarships cover tuition fees, travel expenses for internships or conferences, and provide financial support for living expenses. Eligibility criteria include academic excellence, commitment to development, and potential for leadership.

  1. African Union Scholarships:

The African Union offers scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for studies in various African countries. These scholarships cover tuition fees, travel expenses, and provide a stipend for living expenses. Eligibility criteria include academic excellence, commitment to African development, and potential for leadership.

  1. World Bank Scholarships:

The World Bank provides scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for studies in fields related to economic development, public policy, and social sciences. These scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, and provide a stipend for living expenses. Eligibility criteria include academic excellence, commitment to development, and potential for leadership.

  1. NGO Scholarships:

Various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) offer scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for studies in various fields. These scholarships may cover tuition fees, study materials, and provide financial support for living expenses. Eligibility criteria vary depending on the sponsoring organization and scholarship program.

  1. Islamic Development Bank Scholarships:

The Islamic Development Bank offers scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for studies in fields such as engineering, medicine, and agriculture. These scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, and provide a stipend for living expenses. Eligibility criteria include academic excellence, commitment to development, and potential for leadership.

  1. International Organization Scholarships:

International organizations such as UNICEF and UNESCO provide scholarships to students from Guinea-Bissau for studies in various fields. These scholarships cover tuition fees, travel expenses, and provide financial support for living expenses. Eligibility criteria include academic excellence, commitment to development, and potential for leadership.

  1. Private Sector Scholarships:

Various companies and businesses in Guinea-Bissau offer scholarships to students pursuing degrees in fields relevant to their industry. These scholarships may cover tuition fees, internship opportunities, and provide job placement upon graduation. Eligibility criteria vary depending on the sponsoring organization and scholarship program.

Requirement Eligibility

Eligibility requirements for these scholarships vary depending on the sponsoring organization and the specific scholarship program. Generally, eligibility criteria may include academic excellence, financial need, Bissau-Guinean citizenship, and commitment to academic success. Applicants should carefully review the requirements for each scholarship before applying to ensure they meet the criteria.

Benefits and Terms

The benefits of these scholarships are substantial, offering financial support for tuition fees, study materials, travel expenses, and living expenses. Additionally, some scholarships may provide accommodation, internships, mentorship, or job placement opportunities. It’s important for recipients to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions associated with each scholarship, which may include maintaining a minimum GPA, fulfilling academic obligations, participating in extracurricular activities, or contributing to the community.

Fees and accommodations

Many scholarships cover tuition fees either partially or in full, alleviating the financial burden of education. Additionally, some scholarships may provide assistance with accommodation or offer guidance on finding suitable housing options. It’s essential for students to explore the available resources and make informed decisions regarding fees and accommodations.


In conclusion, the top 10 scholarships in Guinea-Bissau provide valuable opportunities for students to pursue their academic and professional aspirations. By meeting the eligibility requirements, understanding the benefits and terms, and exploring available resources, students can make the most of these scholarships and contribute to Guinea-Bissau’s development and prosperity.

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